Sound expander for MIDI accordions
Do you need top-quality sounds for your MIDI Accordion? The ACCORDION MASTER XXL can handle the most sophisticated tasks with 928 sounds created with the newest sample modelling technology, 4 GB flash memory and 256-voice polyphony – regardless of what MIDI system you are using.

Akkordeon | 160 Sounds
Samples on new and vitage instruments from Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, as well as France, Ireland and Scotland make up this huge selection of legendary accordion sounds. Sounds with great tremolo or “flat tuning” are available along with musette tuning and other specialties of French and Belgian instruments. Jazz lovers will enjoy the Super VI model and the Accordiona; friends of Swiss folk music will love the Schwyzer Örgelis; and Oberkrainer fans will like the Alpine models.
All the sounds have note-off samples: releasing the keys adds reverberation to the reeds and case. The sound does not stop abruptly, but sounds a bit like the original. This echo fills the spaces between the played notes, so to speak. Without this feature, the accordion would sound like "on-off" music - artificial and not very musical.
For more adventurous users, the Accordion Soundbank also includes single reeds, attack samples, note off samples and effects to build the accordion of your desires.

How do you get the sounds?
All V3 sound modules are standard MIDI expanders. The housing has two pots: master volume and master reverb. Use MIDI to call up sounds and to make all other adjustments. If your MIDI instrument doesn’t have these functions available, you need a MIDI controller or an App.
Grand Piano | 13 Sounds
Samples of a famous Vienna concert grand are the centerpiece of these piano sounds, which can be selected in up to 7 dynamic levels. In addition, there is an aggressive rock version of the grand piano sound, as well as Latin pianos in octaves.
The acoustic piano group is rounded out by a honky-tonk piano and 4 layered sounds that combine the grand piano with pads, e-pianos and strings.
E-Pianos | 27 Sounds
Electric Grand CP
Electric Piano Mark I
V3 Bella
Electric Piano
Wurlitzer A200
Digital Piano & FM Model
The note-off algorithms, which are controlled by velocity as well as by the envelope, create natural sounds during play.
Organ | 126 Sounds
The organ bank is divided into two sound categories. The first category includes a selection of jazz organs and German entertainer organs that have been sampled with a rotary effect (fast/slow). To change the rotational speed, program change messages are used. Other presets available include English-style theater organs, a pipe organ, and a vintage combo model.
For the sounds of the second category, a US vintage Hammond organ was sampled – in 44 complete registrations, with individual drawbars, percussion and key-click effects. The sounds of this group can be enhanced with an external rotary effect, such as the Neo Ventilator II, during live performance to achieve an authentic organ performance.
Synthesizer | 124 Sounds
This sound group includes the sounds of legendary analog synthesizers such as Jupiter 8, CS80, OBX, OB8, Matrix 12, Prophet 5, MKS80, Moog 55, Chroma Polaris, supplemented by digital instruments such as Acxel, DX1, Fairlight or PPG 2.3*.
The following filter types can be controlled by MID controller 74: LowPass 6-24 db, BandPass 6-12 db.
String Orchestra | 29 Sounds
The string orchestra is intricately programmed and available in a wide variety – from a complete symphony orchestra (full strings) and chamber music ensembles to string ensembles with 14 violins, 10 violas, 8 cellos and 6 double basses. All the string instruments can be played in solo versions also.
For many string sounds, hitting the key hard also creates a hard bow sound on the virtual string. Round Robin technology is employed with strings also, resulting in the automatic switch between up and down bowing. This technology really stands out in détaché play. Note-off samples create natural tone fades, perfectly capturing the way resonance in string instruments can be heard for a long time after a note is played, softening the flow of the melody.
The “emotion” versions deliver gently harmonizing tone progression in soft passages, exactly like the real instrument when you slowly increase the pressure of the bow on the string. Or, using higher velocity values, you can produce fast, accentuated tones.
Winds Solo & Section | 139 Sounds
The ACCORDION MASTER XXL sound bank includes basically all orchestral wind instruments. You will find trumpets, trombones, tubas, horns, clarinets, and flutes in solo versions as well as ensembles. The variety of articulations, such as fall and sforzato, create realistic performances.
The Round Robin function plays a critical role here also, since 16th-note passages would not sound natural without it. Other instruments in this group include tenor horn, English horn, oboe, bassoon, and many more.
Guitars & Bass | 78 Sounds
The choices available in this group are so great that there is something for nearly every musical style, from acoustic guitars with nylon and steel strings, e-guitars of all types – clean, overdrive, distortion – all the way to rhythm, jazz and pedal steel guitars.
The deep-tone department ranges from plucked and bowed double basses for anything from jazz and classic to folk music. E-basses are available in many fingered and slap versions; there is even a fretless bass.
Italian flair is provided by a Napoli mandolin ensemble with tremolo and single-picking.
Stringed instruments & Mallets | 36 Sounds
In addition to other sounds, this section includes the following instruments: Harpsichord, clavinet, Glockenspiel, music box, vibraphone with or without tremolo samples, celesta, tinkle bells, marimba, xylophone, tubular bells, timpani, thumb piano, cortales, steel drums, harps, and dulcimer.
Choir | 22 Sounds
The choir section includes classic choir “aah” and “ooh” sounds as well as “Pop ‘Ooh’ Girls,” a voice kit, phrasing, mouth percussion, vocal drums and shouts. The vocal sound “Pop Girls Unison” was recorded in 4 voices and is available in “aah,” “doo,” and “ooh.” The “Boys Group” offers the same variations but also includes 4 other sounds in its repertoire: laa, hmm, daa, and bap.
Drums &Percussion| 37 Kits
When it comes to playbacks, percussion sounds are of critical importance. That’s why ACCORDION MASTER XXL is at its best in this department. You will find dry kits recorded specifically for the stage, perfect studio kits with overhead mixing, power kits for solid rock, e-drums for dance music, as well as R&B, hip hop and 2 percussion kits for classical music, too.
Round-Robin versions of many cymbal and percussion sounds are available to enrich your rhythm with automatic sound variations, making your sound more authentic. The classical kits offer everything from the small snare to the kettledrum, from the gong to the cymbals – all the necessary sounds for an orchestra arrangement. The bass drums in the drum kits are also available as individual programs, made specially for live concert performance. You can send the bass drum to a single output for live mixing. For this purpose, the ACCORDION MASTER XXL offers an AUX output in addition to the stereo output.
GENERAL MIDI (GM) | 128 Sounds
The GM sound bank with the usual 128 sounds occupies two of a total of four gigabytes of built-in flash memory in the ACCORDION MASTER XXL . Sonically, the GM sounds set a new standard. This applies to the number of samples as well as their length and quality. Even drum kits with up to ten dynamic levels per sound are among the core competencies of the sound expander.
Many of the sound programs are based on round-robin technology. This means an automatic change between different samples when a key is hit several times. This brings life into the music - not only with individual sounds, but also when playing complete MIDI files.
A special feature of the GM Bank are the variation sounds, predestined for the soloist game. In addition to various electric pianos, you will find a stereo grand piano (Vienna Grand) with seven dynamic levels and 300 MB of storage space. So that you can also interpret string and wind instruments convincingly on the keyboard, slide-up samples are available that you can activate by hitting a key hard. Samples with string and fingerboard sounds randomly picked up when you release a key (note-off) add spice to your game. Matte and flat GM sounds - that was yesterday.